This ended up being a great experience for both me and the students. Knowledge was gained on both sides and the results were great. While the winning video had 120 views, they all were great videos. I decided to reward them all with gift cards for participating. I was thrilled with their effort and am so happy that they are still moving forward wanting to learn voluntarily.
There were several instances that I could find of the #oaktonvisual online, but for privacy reasons, I am hesitant to share that specific information. They did utilize both Twitter and Facebook to share their videos.
I do encourage you however to check out their first completed news episode, Oakton Objective. The full episode includes the 6 individual news stories they shared in the competition. Click this video to watch.
I have hyperlinked the episode here > Oakton Objective.
This exercise was great to incorporate into the larger learning process within the Oakton Visual Organization. It's amazing that the students are this motivated to spend all of their free time learning and creating. It's a blessing for the school, the students and myself.